Juliana Forero

The Things that I See (2002 - 2008)


This is a project that started as a visual diary in august of 2002 with the purpose of making a registry of the changes in my life.  At the time, I had recently moved to Florida after living in Mexico for a year after I left Colombia. Looking at the few belongings I was carrying with me, I started paying attention and taking note of the things I saw everyday, and decided to share these images on a daily basis with family and friends, all via email.


It became the diary of a nomad; a reflection of what I was doing and where I was. It was my present. On July

of 2004 the project took form of a photoblog, one of the few of its kind in Colombia, becoming subject of news articles in renowned newspapers and magazines of Colombia.


The project is available online at julianaforero.blogspot.com, and it features the things that I saw from 2004 through 2009.

Juliana Forero | juliana@julianaforero.com | All Rights Reserved